Martes, Hulyo 26, 2011

Collocation Better Solutions for Crowded Data Centers

Delivering data center services nowadays are not easy since most budget allocations for IT
services tend to be dropping even though the demand is on a continual rise. In order to get a
business or organization to prosper through reaching new markets as well as launching new
products and services, having a reliable internet connection is essential. The internet became the
fastest and most useful tool since its invention and having access to it will help make people’s
lives easier.

The storage assets and servers in a company may take up a lot of space in the company’s own
data center. Data center consolidation has become one of the leading causes of traffic congestion
when the available data space is pushed to the limits due to various markets, regions, and
applications. Collocation hosting is one of the best solutions to help users manage their own
systems in a service provider’s data centers and allows room to grow for more data.

AT&T is one of those network service providers that offer collocation services to their
subscribers. The network has been presented for the second consecutive year as the top provider
for data center collocation by the Nemertes Research 2010 PilotHouse Award. Now isn’t that
proof enough for subscribers like you to invest your trust in the company?

What does collocation actually offer its subscribers? Nowadays when the economy is not being
as stable as it used to be, investing in new services may be risky since it is not easy to procure
funds for existing date centers. You might consider investing in collocation hosting because it
make things easier to manage. A collocation hosting provider will be able to manage power and
cooling resources for you as well as aid in protecting your equipment investments. It could also
help prevent downtime since it is managed well for you.

AT&T collocation services will assure you that you may be among the thousands of subscribers
and businesses from all over the planet but you could benefit greatly and could take advantage
of the collocation hosting services offered by the company. Some of the services that come
with the hosting service include the presence in AT&T global internet data centers, access the
leading global IP network of the world, round-the-clock facility and network monitoring and
management, and physical security backed by audit controls. Other features of the service also
include power and cooling management as well as infrastructure and network support services.

AT&T has more than 12 years of hosting experience and it can assure future subscribers to their
collocation hosting service that they can meet the demands of their users – and they got awards
to prove their efficiency!

Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

Learning More About the Amazon Data Center

Perhaps many of you didn’t know yet of the data center owned by you have known for years. The company has skillfully designed its data center in the heart of Seattle. Amazon owned a cloud computing platform. But during the recent open house in Seattle, Mr James Hamilton, talked about how the company’s data center was built many years ago. Hamilton was known as a distinguished AWS engineer. During the said activity, Hamilton presents to the audience the company’s present infrastructure.

His presentation was very clear as it is being presented on a PDF format supported by photos and other diagrams which explains the current operation and load of the company’s data center, as far as the company’s business data and other applications. It also presented to the audience an image of Amazon’s modular design for its data center. This is the first considered official acknowledgement of the company to have used modular infrastructure. The report also showed a factoid showing rapid growth of the Amazon’s cloud platform.

“Every day Amazon Web Services adds enough new capacity to support all of’s global infrastructure through the company’s first 5 years, when it was a $2.76 billion annual revenue enterprise,” Hamilton states in one of the slides. The reported rapid growth of the company made it acquire additional sites in other areas such as in Oregon, northern Virginia and Ireland. These areas are being considered for the company’s data center expansion.

Hamilton is known to be using cost models for the company’s hyper-scale data centers. In fact, during his review at the Amazon open house, he made cost assumptions of 8 megawatt data center, including 46,000 servers. He estimated the cost to reach around $88 million and showed a chart outlining the operating cost of the data centers dominated by servers which is around 57 percent. His report was consistent with his recently-published cost on operating the company’s data centers. Many of those who attended the open house were glad with the success of the company because it is able to expand its operations despite many companies in the US are faced with challenges due to recession. has now become a respected leader in online business due to its growing number of clients and affiliates all over the globe. Many also of the bloggers around the world were among those who benefited from the company’s affiliate program.